Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative Truck Driver Training Video
The “2023 Sugarbeet Production Guide” mobile app is now available for installation on both Android and iOS devices. Please use the links below for installation:

Dr. Tom Peters (NDSU/U of MN), Peter Regitnig (Lantic Sugar) and Dr. Mike Metzger (MDFC) authored the technical publication – “Herbicide Mode of Action and Sugarbeet
Injury Symptoms”. This is the second edition of this technical bulletin. The first
was published in 1994 by Dr. Alan Dexter with the intent of describing
herbicide mode of action and the resultant sugarbeet injury symptomology. As
you well know, modest development of new herbicide families has occurred over
the past 25 years. This updated publication was developed to articulate our
current understanding of herbicides and how they may injure sugarbeet. Click the photo below to download (pdf).